Live and study in Barcelona

Fundació Juan Miró

Fundació Juan MiróThe Fundacio de Joan Miro Here boasts a wonderful collection of Miro's works, dating back as far as 1914. The selection includes his paintings but also a good selection of sculptures, tapestries and early sketches. Tickets cost 8€.

Opening hours vary according time of the year. For further information, visit the museum website.

Barcelona Museums

If you're looking for a bit of culture, history or just a cheap day out on your stay here in Barcelona, there are plenty of museums for you to choose from(around 15 in fact!).

Barcelona Museums

La Sagrada Familia of Barcelona

This famous feature of Barcelona is highly regarded throughout Spain and Europe, so you will be able to find lots of information about it's history, construction and everyday use.

La Sagrada Familia of Barcelona

Hostels in Barcelona

We have scouted as many as possible out, to bring you a list of hotels and hostels of all shapes, sizes and prices, to cater to your needs. We hope you can find one that suits you best!

Hostels in Barcelona

Hotels in Barcelona

So here is a list of hotels, chosen for their location among other things, allowing you to pick one which will be suitable for you and your stay here.

Hotels in Barcelona